Me and my dog Ozzie
I’ve always written stories. As a little girl, I would make workbooks for my dolls and teddies and mark them at the end! I made puppet shows and had a Monday night poetry club – I was the only member… I had amazing primary school teachers who inspired me and set me daily poetry challenges. I became a teacher myself. It is the best job in the world and the biggest privilege to spend the day with young people. They taught me so much.
In the 1990’s I read a book to my upper primary class by George Layton, The Fib and Other Stories. It was first published in 1978 when phones were attached to the wall with wiggly wires and there was no such thing as social media. The stories are still so funny and brilliant today. The writing was so clever that I decided I would have a go. I’m sure I will never match the brilliance of George Layton, but I’m trying!
I loved my teaching life. I’ve also loved living abroad, in Canada and America. But the UK is so special. I am a pluviophile, a lover of the rain, so the North of England is a great place to be. When it rains, I am truly happy; strange I know! I enjoy playing tennis, walking my dog, eating brunch and watching TV.
I write in my little garden shed or in coffee shops. It took me years and years to be a published writer but every hour spent was totally worth it!
I like to think my writing is about nothing and everything. That sounds strange, so let me explain. My stories are about the things we all experience, good and bad. Moving house, break ups with friends, jealousy, hurt, grief. The thrill of new friendship, the strength of family bonds, the joy of pets and sport and holidays. Being nervous, excited, scared, thrilled. You will probably never find fantastical dragons or other worlds in my books but hopefully you will find stories that make you laugh a bit, maybe cry a little but above all are about things you will recognize from your own life.